Well we started talking about potty training about a month ago and decided to do it while Harrison was on Spring Break this week. Tuesday night while getting into the bath we knew he needed to pee-pee and we finally convinced him to go on the little potty. He had a little squirt and then did some more and then some more and after about 20 minutes was finally finished. Jackson was already finished with his bath at this point. We were so excited and went crazy. So over the past week he has gone a couple of times and even pooped in the potty one time. We bought new "underpants" as Harrison calls them, on Saturday and these were some of the ones he picked out.

This is his face as I told him we were out of diapers and he was going to wear "big boy underwear". He wasn't really sure if he was happy or wanted to cry. He didn't want to put them on at first, but then he got really excited about it.
Harrison did not want me taking any more pictures, but I just couldn't help it.

He has done amazing so far today. No accidents and has been pee-pee 3 times and poopy 1 time. I can't wait to see how the rest of the day goes.